The inclusion of employers in the schooling and examining process as a guarantee of quality and efficiency of vocational training
On the 9th December the Foundation has participated in a conference, organized in Gdańsk by the Department for Vocational Training and Learning of the Ministry of Education (MEN) and the National Centre for Supporting Vocational Training and Learing, called ‘The inclusion of employers in the schooling and examining process as a guarantee of quality and efficiency of vocational training’.
The aim of the conference was to present the key role of the employers in a partnership with vocational schools and show influence on rising the quality and appeal of the vocational education. Among the other participants of the conference were representatives of the Local Examinations Syndicate due to the introduction of new rules of verifying proffessional qualifications, in accordance to the Ordinance of the Minister of Education of the 24th February 2012, which introduced changes in the regulation concerning the conditions and means of evaluating, grading and promoting students and conducting tests and exams in public schools (Journal Of Laws from 2012 item 262).