About us
Foundation of Energy Saving in Gdańsk has been established in 1991, based on the Foundation Act of 6th April 1984 (Journal Of Laws No 21 item 97) and continues its’ activities until this day.
The Founders are:
- Gdańsk University of Technology,
- Gdańsk Energy Plant (Zakład Energetyczny Gdańsk) ,
- Gdańsk Electrical Power and Heating Plant Panel (Zespół Elektrociepłowni Gdańsk),
- Pomeranian District Gas Industry in Gdańsk (Pomorski Okręgowy Zakład Gazownictwa Gdańsk) and:
- people from scientific, technical, energetic and ecology backgrounds.
At the moment the Foundation consists of 21 members, of natural and legal persons.
The statutory purpose of the Foundation is to undertake activities for the reasonable management of energy and support the use of its’ alternative sources, at the same time helping to improve the natural environment. The Foundation has already acted for promoting renewable energy sources and implementing energy-efficient solutions, particularly focusing on those that are friendly to the environment.