Respecting Energy without Borders – the co-operation between Poland and Ukraine based on Scandinavian principles

The “Respecting Energy without Borders – the co-operation between Poland and Ukraine based on Scandinavian principles” project was implemented in Poland, Norway and in Ukraine between 2009 – 2012. It was based on Polish experience and Norwegian initiations in renewable energy sources usage and energy efficiency. The project was implemented in an international partnership represented by:
- Institute of Power Engeneering (Instytut Energetyki)
- Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN, Polska Akademia Nauk) – the creator of the Baltic Eco-Energy Cluster
- Pomeranian Marshall Office (Pomorski Urząd Marszałkowski)
- The council of the Polish Federation of Engeneering Associations – NOT in Tarnów
- OREEC – Oslo Renewable Energy and Environment Cluster; Lillestrøm Centre of Expertise
- The Debate Centre in Donetsk
- The Regional Development Agency in Odessa
Unlike in Ukraine, the situation in energy efficiency is constantly improving in Poland. If Ukraine is interested in integrating with the European Union, it must take the same steps Poland did before acession. Therefore, it is the best moment to help Ukraine in this field. The level of energy efficiency and the use of its’ renewable sources in the Scandinavian countries was an inspiration to this project. Debates, interactinve schoolings and visits including a direct participation of all the interested parties were chosen as the most effective form of project implementation. The milestones were implemented in the form of conferences and study tours to partnership countries: 4 in Poland and Ukraine and 2 in Norway. The participants of such tours visited places connected to energetics, including electric power and/or heat production, waste management and thermal efficiency improvement.
As a result of such tours, an energy-related documentation for the 3 visited Ukrainian districts and for the 3 cities within those districts has been prepared by the experts both from the Foundation and those co-operating with it.
Within the project the following have been published in Ukrainian:
Power industry development strategies for the given districts until 2025:
Draft guidelines to plans for providing heat, electring energy and gaseous fuels for given cities:
Publications summing up the project both in Polish and in English: