Energy development of a municipality in harmony with nature

A project implemented in cooperation with, among others, IMP PAN (Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery – Polish Academy of Sciences), NOT in Tarnów, KTH (The Royal Institute of Technology) in Stockholm. There were 25 strategies of balanced energetics’ development devised for communes in the Pomeranian and Małopolskie voivodships within the project, along with field guidelines and policies for supporting various objectives and renewable energy source types. The project’s beneficiaries, such as municipality representatives from the voivodships included in the project, took part in a study tour to the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. As a result of the project, a web portal on “Naturally Efficient Energy” was created. It contains general knowledge on renewable energy sources and practical tools for planning and choosing efficient, pro-ecologic energetic concepts for municipalities or single objects. The web portal also collects and analyses information on the needs and problems of potential investors in this field.